Tafe NSW - Strategy modelling

Tafe NSW – Strategy modelling


Tuesday 6th February 2018

Delivering better reporting and forecasting within a regulatory reporting system

Client background

TAFE NSW is Australia’s largest vocational education and training provider owned by the Government. Annually, the network trains over 500,000 students in campus, workplace, online, or distance education methods of education.

TAFE NSW business has undergone significant changes over the past years. Currently it has a “One TAFE” initiative – large portfolio of modernisation programs to be implemented over the next few years.

How Mazars supported the client

  • TAFE NSW engaged Mazars to develop a driver based, operational model allowing Management to prepare and analyse detailed forecasts of the consolidated business and various revenue streams in several analytical facets
  • The model was developed to hold several different scenarios, understand and measure their impact on business
  • Mazars continues to work with TAFE NSW by providing on-going financial modelling support.

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Rickard Wärnelid APAC - Head of Financial Advisory Services + Energy

Rickard is the APAC - Head of Financial Advisory Services + Energy of Forvis Mazars Group, developing financial modelling training programs all over the world. Prior to his +15 years with Forvis Mazars / Mazars/ Corality, he worked in Project Finance, Quantitative Fixed Income/Risk, VBA development and served in the Swedish air force. Rickard's academic background is in Physics (Stockholm) and Finance (Sydney).

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