Forvis Mazars, for better financial models

Forvis Mazars Financial Modelling

What is Forvis Mazars financial modelling?

Forvis Mazars Financial Modelling is a highly-regarded and internationally accepted methodology which, by promoting the implementation of an intuitive best practice structure and the discipline of a rigorous quality process, empowers professionals and organisations to optimise and extract maximum value from their analytical reporting tools.

The Forvis Mazars Financial Modelling methodology endorses the application of an increased level of standardisation for model architecture, visually-appealing presentational elements and elegantly simple calculation logic. Concurrently it seeks to avoid many of the compromising mechanics or overlays which can limit the flexibility for individual adaption by the end-user.

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Guiding themes

Forvis Mazars Financial Modelling is grounded in six themes, defining the ultimate objectives.

Through adherence to the six themes, you can ensure that your financial models are optimised to the requirements of the decision makes while also making sure it it future-proof.

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We found the approach to financial modelling straightforward, transparent and easy to use. As project developers we now have more confidence in taking our projects forward and presenting our models to potential investors. Over all we found the course very relevant, professionally delivered and we were also given enough time to practice and ask questions about the material being presented to us.

Vivek Nallaratnam Technical Analyst - Windventures