The history of Forvis Mazars Financial Modelling

Forvis Mazars (formally Corality) Financial Modelling has been constantly developing since inception in 2005. The underlying philosophy has been constant over these years, yet through developments in Excel functionality, computational power and industry requirement, the methodology has been significantly improved.

The name Corality, came from the combination of two words which underpin any activity in the financial modelling segment: CORRECT + QUALITY = CORALITY

The timeline below outlines the major milestones in our development.


The first version of what is today called Corality Financial Modelling was launched in Sydney by NavigatorPF, an Australian project finance modelling focused consulting firm. SMART Financial Modelling is used as the name of our methodology.


Corality Financial Group expanded into Europe with an office in London.


Corality takes the role of Global Learning Partner with ModelOff, the financial modelling world championship.


Corality Financial Group expanded with an office in New York.


Mazars acquired Corality Financial Group and integrated the three offices (New York, London and Sydney) with +40 staff members into Mazars global operations.


The milestone of 10,000 training participants is reached, in combination with the delivery of the 300th tailored corporate course.


With thousands of financial models developed to date, the expansion of Mazars Financial Modelling continues across the globe.


Mazars and FORVIS joined forces to create a new global top 10 network, Forvis Mazars.

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