Renewable energy/financial modelling: Debt sizing contracted/uncontracted

By Hitansh Doda

Monday 5th December 2022

Webinar by Hitansh Doda

Debt sizing for renewable energy transactions requires a full understanding of how banks analyse contracted and uncontracted revenue streams. This webinar explains how to use the different components of CFADS for a modular approach to debt sizing based on contracted and uncontracted CFAFS and associated debt covenants.

This webinar will give you more confidence in preparing or analysing financial models for renewable energy transactions for debt structuring and/or credit analysis.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the concept of debt sizing using the perspective of banks and financiers
  • Learn how to apply different debt sizing covenants (DSCR) to contracted vs uncontracted revenue streams in your financial model
  • Discuss the differences in equity and debt analysis, and where we see alignment or differences between different stakeholders
  • Expand on the role of P50/P90 cases in relation to debt sizing for renewable energy transactions in your financial model
  • Explore how bankability related to contracted vs uncontracted revenues, and how to quantify the trade-off between bankability and potential for upside equity returns
  • Visualise your debt structuring scenarios in a range of downside scenarios for credit analysis