Training Course Information Centre


Course Portfolio

The course portfolio provides a comprehensive list of our standard financial modelling training courses.

Course Schedule

The course schedule lists our global program of Open Courses available for registration of individuals or small groups of professionals.

Open Courses

Our Open (or Public) Courses have a long-standing history with the first course offered in 2006 followed by hundreds courses since then. We now run a global program of in-person and digital classroom courses which is well-respected in the industry...

Robust financial models are a key tool in our organisation. Throughout the years my team have attended the Corality/Forvis Mazars courses to learn the financial modelling methodology. It gives us confidence in our models and helps to build a standardised approach to Excel and financial modelling, within PCF Capital Group

Liam Twigger Managing Director - PCF Capital Group

Take your financial modelling skills to the next level with Forvis Mazars

Financial modelling training programs for professionals, teams and organisations

We deliver courses and training programs all over the world, to help with the implementation of the Forvis Mazars Financial Modelling Methodology. We have a wide ranging course portfolio, and also tailor courses based on industry or specific requirements in relation to transaction types, regionally specific situations and financial processes.

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Tailored corporate courses

We regularly deliver tailored in-house training courses for groups with 3 and 25 participants. Our specialisation is class-room delivery and we come to you which assists the logistics and costs of travel.

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