Financial Modelling for Renewable Energy Projects (EMEA)

1 day duration

Financial Modelling for Renewable Energy Projects (EMEA) teaches participants the best approach for modelling the essential components in Renewable Energy deals.

What you will take away from the course

  • An industry-best financial model with essential applications for project analysis across diverse project categories
  • Forvis Mazars Financial Modelling methodology best practice rules and techniques that you can apply immediately to your renewable energy projects
  • Compelling insights from recent market examples, group discussions and interactive workshops

Key learnings

  • Master best practice techniques for financial modelling of renewable energy projects to achieve flexibility and robustness in your project model
  • Acquire specialised skills to building a flexible and powerful scenario manager to analyse your projects sensitivity to key drivers
  • A masterful understanding of modelling:
    • Generation and its key variables
    • PPA and merchant revenue streams
    • Debt sculpting for seasonal and contracted / uncontracted cash flows
    • Battery key line items provided by external consultants
    • Relevant upside / downside cases to extend standard scenario manager functionality

Is this programme for you?

If you are working in the renewable energy sector and have frequent challenges with financial models, then this training course is for you. The training course content is suitable for anyone who needs to build, review or analyse project models within the renewable energy sector, either for internal investments/operations/strategy, project finance transactions or greenfield development analysis.
Typical attendees include analysts, managers, senior managers, associate directors and CFOs from renewable energy companies.


Thursday 20th February 2025

Stockholm, Europe, Middle East, Africa

Thursday 10th April 2025

Amsterdam, Europe, Middle East, Africa

Thursday 15th May 2025

Munich, Europe, Middle East, Africa

Course Agenda

Forecasting and modelling of generation metrics:

  • Discuss key forecasting items for generation calculations relating to renewable energy projects
  • Calculate net generation per quarter based on yield, seasonality, availability, loss factors, curtailment and degradation

Modelling of pricing and power purchase agreements in renewable energy: ​

  • Integrate both PPA and merchant pricing into the operational calculations​
  • Define PPA as black only, green only or bundled
  • Easily switch contracted amounts between % of generation and manual target profile

Prepare transaction-ready renewable energy debt analysis: ​

  • Learn market accepted approaches to debt sculpting in a renewable energy context, and how this compares to other industries
  • Prepare transparent debt sculpting based on target ratios for both contracted and uncontracted revenue streams

Integrate key battery storage line items: ​

  • Discuss complexities of modelling quant / engineering optimisation approaches within a project finance / investment model
  • Include specific capex, revenue and opex line items into cash flow model, typically provided by external technical consultants
  • Undertake analysis to understand whether battery is accretive to overall project economics

Master scenario management with an efficient financial model structure:​

Expand your standard scenario manager with specific renewable energy applications:

  • Re-powering analysis of wind projects?
    • Implement upgrade capex with production uplift in future year
  • Implications of potential curtailment or a change in power price forecasts
    • Build rapid sensitivity analysis of production and price forecasts
  • Connection issues causing construction delay?
    • Discuss how to implement a new “Construction: Delay” timing phase to the model and incorporate calculations relating to additional payments such as Liquidated Damages over this period
  • Comparing technologies when initiating view on base configuration. E.g. What’s the break-even yield increase required to make the latest tracker system a worthwhile investment?
    • Setup comparison scenarios and solve for break-even yield
    • Introduction to in-built Excel functions that can expediate this analysis

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